Ero sivun ”Tampere pedestrian and bicycle traffic counter API” versioiden välillä

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Rivi 2: Rivi 2:
Tampere pedestrian and bicycle traffic counter API (TPB API) is a service offered by City of Tampere.

Tampere City provides incident and roadwork information interface. It can be used e.g. for showing traffic data in mobile applications.
This service implements HTTP REST -interfaces providing information about walking and biking quantities from Tampere city region. Data is collected and counted from multiple different measurement points arount the city (eco-counters)

''updated 14.2.2020''
''updated 14.2.2020''

Nykyinen versio 14. helmikuuta 2020 kello 13.51

Tampere pedestrian and bicycle traffic counter API (TPB API) is a service offered by City of Tampere.

This service implements HTTP REST -interfaces providing information about walking and biking quantities from Tampere city region. Data is collected and counted from multiple different measurement points arount the city (eco-counters)

updated 14.2.2020

Basic Information

Data format: JSON
Standard: -
Availability: Available
Maintainance: Tampere City/Infotripla Oy
Licence: Tampere City Open Data License/ITS Factory

Data scope

Tampere City street network


  • Tampere city eco counters

Data contents

Walking and biking quantities from Tampere city region

Access constraints

  • Access is free
  • Use is free of charge.
  • Distribution and re-use of the data is allowed.
  • CORS is supported

API access

Swagger documentation